More About Me

My name is Jennifer. I have two daughters ages 17 and 14. Both me and my oldest daughter suffer from auto-immune diseases. I was diagnosed in 2004 at the age of 30 with an overlapping auto-immune disease called mixed connective tissue disease. It is a combination of several auto-immune diseases all mixed into one. Yay me...LOL! I currently suffer from arthritis, lupus, fibromyalgia, raynaud's disease, IBS, and asthma. I take more medications than my own parents. My oldest daughter was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis at the age of 12, but we know she suffered from it for many years prior to the actual diagnosis. It's very hard to diagnose, but I was very persistent with the doctors. I finally had to change pediatricians in order to finally get a referral to the specialist that finally diagnosed her. Auto-immune diseases can be very tricky and challenging to diagnose. As you read my blog, you will learn about some of the daily challenges of living with an auto-immune disease, but that is not what my blog will be focused on.

I will be sharing my love of scrapbooking. I was first introduced to the scrapbooking world by my mother. I went with her one day while she was out shopping for rubber stamps. We went to a scrapbook store in Austin, Texas and I fell in love. I couldn't believe all the paper and embellishments. I must admit until I was introduced to scrapbooking, I didn't think I had a crafty gene in my body. LOL. See my grandmother was an excellent seamstress. My mom and my sister were both into different types of crafting, but I had never really got into it. That is until that day in that scrapbook store. I dove right in and I've been enjoying the craft ever since. I must admit that shopping for scrapbook items is half the fun. Paper flowers are my number one addiction with scrapbook paper a close second. If I were to describe my scrapbooking style, I would have to say that it's shabby chip/vintage. I love going to estate sales, garage sales, and thrift stores in search of the perfect vintage item to put on a page or in a book I'm working on. I hope you will enjoy learning about me, my family, and my love of scrapbooking. Thank you for stopping by. I hope you will stop by again soon as I look forward to making new friendships.