Monday, May 30, 2011

What a weekend....

It has been quite a busy weekend. My niece (God-daughter) graduated Saturday evening. I am so very proud of her. I know she had a few rocky times during those four years of high school, but she made it. I can't wait to see where life leads her now. I wish my dad could have been there to see her, but I know he was with us in spirit. I also have a cousin that graduated Saturday and I have another cousin graduating this coming Saturday. Congratulations to all of you. Megan, Alexis and Hilary we are so proud of yall.

I have to admit though, I am a little sad. See, my daughter, Nicole, will not have the opportunity to walk with her graduating class. Nicole is my oldest daughter, the daughter that has juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA). She left public school after the first semester of her freshman year because she was missing so much school due to her arthritis flaring so often. We decided that she would try home schooling at that time and if she didn't like it or got better that she would go back to public school. So, we started an online home school and she really didn't care for it so much. She missed so much about public school. She missed being the manager of the cheer team, she missed seeing her friends, and she just didn't like the school we chose, but she wasn't really getting much better so she decided to continue with the home school. She did alright with it, but her biggest struggle was the fact that her "friends" just seemed to all forget about her. That was hard as a mother to see. It's hard being different when your a teenager and she is definitely different. She doesn't have the energy to go do the fun things that teenagers do, she can't be out in the sun very long, and she has to take tons of medications. She has accepted her limitations, but it's getting others to accept them that is hard. I feel like her JRA has robbed her of so much. She has never had a "normal" teenage life. She doesn't go hang out with friends, she's never gone on a spring break trip, she didn't get to attend her junior prom, and more than likely won't go to her senior prom either. These are things that most teenage girls live for and she will never experience them. She doesn't have a best friend or a boy friend because everyone seems to have just forgotten about her. It breaks my heart.  So, she finished her freshman year as an online home school student. When school started back we decided to enroll her in a charter school in our town that allowed her to attend school half days. The school is 100% computerized. She was excited to be back with other students, but she only knew one or two of the students. There was not much socialization in this school because everyone worked at there own pace and you could be any where from a freshman to a senior. She really enjoyed the school though. She made a few friends that she would text, but still no one that really wanted to hang out with her. I could tell she was sad about that and she still thought about the friends that she had before. I know she didn't understand how they could all just forget about her, but she pushed forward. Then we started with the flares again. She started missing more and more school. This went on for a few months and then she had a major flare and she missed so much school and got off track again. She asked to go back to home school. I agreed and she finished the year out doing home school. She really seemed to be content with her decision and in the end she finished school ahead of schedule. This brings us to my original comment that she will not get to experience a graduation. There is no graduation for home schooled kids. They don't get to wear a cap and gown. They don't get to do the walk or throw their caps up in the air in celebration of their accomplishments. I am so proud of her for all she has accomplished. It was a long hard road. But I do feel like there was a lot that she missed by not going to public school. If only she was a healthy kid or even if we could have just gotten the arthritis under control or in remission. Since she was first diagnosed back in 2006 she has never been in remission. Life has never been the same...

Thank you all for letting me share this.

Friday, May 27, 2011

eBay listing

I currently have a book listed on eBay. Click HERE to see the listing. I hope you all enjoy it.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Spring Cleaning

Hello everyone. LOL. I say that like I have so many followers, but I don't....YET! I have been busy cleaning up the scrap space this afternoon and evening. What a mess I had. I didn't even have a clean space to scrap. I'm not completely done with the cleaning, but at least I have room to play now. I did have space to create some very cute stick pins. I hope to have pictures of them up here tomorrow. I will probably be selling some of them on eBay. I also have a mini chipboard album that I have been working on in my spare time and I hope to have it completed tomorrow also. I just need to finish some tags. It is so pretty and I can't wait to share it. It will also be listed for sale on eBay. Well, that's it for now. I will talk to you all on Monday.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Here we go

Well, I know I don't have any followers yet, but  hopefully that will change real soon.

It's been a hectic week here. My oldest daughter, Nicole, decided she wanted to volunteer at the animal shelter, but if that wasn't enough, she also decided to foster kittens. We got our first litterlast Friday. There are five of them and they are only a month old. All was going great until Monday when they all started with the sniffles and watery eyes and it's been crazy ever since. All the kitties got put on antibiotics. They have been great about taking their medicine, and seemed to be getting better. That is until Tuesday evening when one of them started to get worse. So, back to the vet we went. He was put on a stronger antibiotic and we were told he has a bad sinus infection. Well, who knew kitties could get sinus infections. I sure didn't. LOL. He is not doing so good. Nicole and I have been monitoring him to make sure he eats and we're giving him water and medicine from a syringe. Today he woke up with very puffy, red eyes so we called the clinic again. They told us to get some chamomile tea and put a drop in each eye. Who would have thought to put tea in the poor kitties eyes. Not me. This poor kitten probably thinks we are torturing him. He is so cute and sweet. I just wish he would get better. Please pray for Midnight.

Now if that wasn't enough, my younger daughter, Jayna, started getting sick on Tuesday and has continued to get worse each day. Yesterday the fever started and by the middle of the night she was running a 102.4 fever. So off to the clinic we went. She has a virus, and she thinks she's dying. Oh how she whines when she's sick. I think I need a vacation from all the sickies....A vacation where I can scrap the whole time. Now that would be awesome. I haven't even had time to scrap this week with all the sickies and doctor/vet appointments.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Well, I have decided to take the plunge into the blogging world. I have never done this before so this will be a learning experience for me. I can't wait to share my life with you all. But more importantly right now, I can't wait until I get some followers. LOL. I will write more later. I better hit the hay for now.